Anonymous podcasts

There are some interesting pseudonymous people out on the net that would make for an interesting podcast. However, what’s the etiquette for this? Do they wear a paper bag over their head and use a fake accent? Maybe just a fake mustache? A Guy Fawkes mask and computer-masked speech?

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42 Responses to Anonymous podcasts

  1. MikeJa says:

    Hostage attire, so they can plausibly deny talking to you willingly

  2. Pyrrhus says:

    Anonymity kind of defeats the idea of podcasting, doesn’t it? Which is marketing or Patreon sponsorship, usually. BTW, have you been on Joe Rogan’s podcast? He might be interested.

    • RCB says:

      Agreed about Rogan. He has an enormous audience and seems to be willing to talk to anyone. My wife listens to him; my friends listen to him. Recently my wife was listening while making breakfast, and I vaguely recognized the voice of his interviewee: turns out it was Steven Pinker. He’s not exactly an intellectual, but he’s not an idiot, and he’s open minded. That being said, I’m not sure that he’s ever touched race / genes / IQ. That might be too taboo for him. But I could see him interviewing you about your book.

  3. Anonymous says:

    For example?

  4. Montmorillonite says:

    The etiquette is to not reveal any identifying information and hope that no one recognizes your voice.

    Surprisingly, this mostly seems to work. There are quite a few YouTubers with decent subscriber counts (10k to 50k) who openly engage in wrongthink but never appear on camera and manage not to get doxxed. The guys from the very popular The Right Stuff podcast only got identified when they pissed off a guy in their own circle – someone trusted who’d known their identities from the beginning – who doxxed them as revenge.

    • MawBTS says:

      Who did it? Cernovich?

      All the mainstream sites I read at the time were just “baphomet 8chan wharrgarrbl” with no actual details.

      • The guy who was alleged to have doxed the others were Ghoul. A panel member who got doxed himself after showing his face in videos. When that happened one of the leftie sites that published his info also published emails alleging he had offered the others’ info in exchange for taking his own down. Which is probably how that rumor got started

        The version that seems most plausible to me is that, the TRS people got doxed through having really poor operational security and that the allegations of one of their own betraying them were antifa disinfo to cause infighting.

        They were all friends on public facebook accounts (doing cheeky stuff like listing standard poolco as employer), had one of their own show his face in youtube videos, pseudonyms with identifiable info (mike enoch being pretty similar to mike peinovich), prior history writing under their real name in the libertarian sphere, having personal email on early archived versions of their web page for paypal donations, some of them having usernames that were connected with their IRL identity on other boards. And having poorly screened meetups and going to conferences. So them being exposed really was inevitable once they got popular.

      • Hwite says:

        Yeah, it was some 8chan anon who claimed to be a white nationalist. Could have been. But a month before he was doxxed he went to the NPI conference and several people recognized his voice from the podcasts. One could have been an informant.

  5. angloNorm says:

    When I was younger, prime-time TV journalists would often interview whistle-blowers in a shadowed studio

  6. Maciano says:

    If funded enough, I wldnt know why they’d still care.

    It’s a dependency/shame problem imo. Employers, “what will the neighbours say?”, etc.

  7. enkypala says:

    Audio can be tweaked easily to hide the voice, but better for ze to not have a published book or the subtitles will be easily matched with a text.

  8. Smithie says:

    Broad-brimmed slouch hat. Orson Welles impression. Put through some cool sound filter.

    Have him stand in the shadows and pretend to be your conscience.

  9. dearieme says:

    Who on earth listens to podcasts? They are too slow.

    • gcochran9 says:

      I read faster than people talk. Most people don’t. So..

      • Philip Neal says:

        As a matter of interest, what proportion of literate people can absorb the information in a page of text faster by reading it silently to themselves rather than by listening to the same text read out loud by somebody else?

        • I can’t stand audio books for that reason. I tried listening to some on a road trip and it was PAINFUL af. Everybody told me they’re great. 😐

          • That being said, I do enjoy podcasts on certain subjects (from time to time) to hear voice inflections and little jokes that one might not otherwise understand just from reading text. I prefer reading, though. I’ll also read an article rather than watch a video (unless it has a kitty in it).

    • They’re a wonderful accompaniment to long drives, daily commutes, gym time, etc.

      Not as efficient as blogs posts per time spent, but far easier to multitask with.

      • dearieme says:

        One should so organise one’s life as to avoid long drives, daily commutes, gym time, etc.

        As St Augustine so wisely observed.

        • Aidan Kehoe says:

          My day job has a short commute, but evenings and weekends, I drive about 90 minutes each way to treat Cathcarts, Stewarts, Gordons and the odd fellow Taig, and I listen to and appreciate that there are lots of practice-of-medicine oriented podcasts on the journey. I also listen to German radio by podcast, and am glad to have the time and the opportunity, I don’t use the language much in my day-to-day.

          Oddly, despite that most of the people listening to the medical podcasts are in my position, and that the people producing them can certainly read much faster than they can speak and so they understand that people are unlikely to listen to their podcasts in other contexts, they go and add video to a significant minority of them!

    • Greying Wanderer says:

      you can listen to radio/podcasts while doing other stuff

    • dave chamberlin says:

      Combine them with porn. Your talk show isn’t worth watching and porn isn’t worth listening to. OK, OK, probably limits your target audience down to unsavory elements. Listen to Cochran and Company, watch disasters. Avalanches, flash floods, tidal waves, planes crashing into explosions, sprinkle in idiots painfully hurting themselves, be eclectic. Brain salad for the ears, youtube junk food for the eyes.

      • dave chamberlin says:

        Seriously though multitasking is what bright folks on the internet are doing all the time. Listening to music, reading, whatever. For years I was accused of being impatient when listening to people present ideas. What was really happening was reading spoiled me. I can read the same information 5 times as fast as I can listen to it. I thought blogging heads was a good idea but they screwed it up by have dolts explain science and having bar room bullshitters babble on about politics from their ideological standpoint. Find interesting people and talk way. The listeners will decide what if anything they multitask on. Might I suggest providing links to more detailed information if the listener is so interested.

    • tautology5628 says:

      You can speed them up. Or multitask in the meantime.

    • Graham says:

      I listen to In Our Time (from the BBC) when I’m driving or walking. About 50% of the episodes are rewarding to listen to, and even the less good ones aren’t that bad. The choice of the three academics is skewed towards women, in Melvin Bragg’s little contribution to affirmative action, which is slightly amusing. It’s possible to have three women and no men, but it’s never possible to have three men and no women. But it’s rare that anyone is seriously out of their depth. Yes, in general podcasts are slow moving, but nowhere near as bad as BBC TV documentaries like Horizon, which nowadays take an hour to present three paragraphs of material.

    • Abraham Lincoln says:

      With Podbean you can listen at 2.5x speed. In addition, there’s a “smart speed” feature that whittles down silence, so sometimes you can hit 2.8 or even 3x.

    • RCB says:

      I’m sure you’re not genuinely asking this question, but here’s a genuine answer anyway:

      Click to access nielsen-podcast-insights-q3-2017.pdf

  10. Anon says:

    Edit in little clown honks every once and a while so you can claim that it was “ironic” or “satire”, that’s how professional comedians get away with saying mean things.

  11. Yudi says:

    JayMan did his first podcast recently. It’d be interesting to hear his thoughts about it.

  12. caradoc says:

    I might like to try, but there’s a few things interest me more than standard HBD. Mmm.

  13. Hwite says:

    Some of them aren’t going for full anonymity. Anyone who decided to dig around could connect their online and real life identities, but most people on the internet and most they meet in real life aren’t going to put in the effort to do so.

  14. Aidan Kehoe says:

    This service got a bit of press for doing text-to-speech with a specific person’s voice with very little training data, so you could flatter someone by rendering their speech with von Neumann’s voice. Or go in the other direction and use GWB. I haven’t tested it.

    • MawBTS says:

      “There’s an old saying in Latin —I know it’s in Latin, probably Greek—that says, ‘All hours wound, but the last…you can’t get killed again.'”

  15. DK says:

    Podcasts are a huge waste of time. Why not just publish transcript? No identity issues and much more efficient for your readership.

    For all videos and podcasts that I suspect might be interesting, I get my Dragon Pro speech recognition software transcribe them. Beats listening to 45 min of stuff of which only 5-10 min are actually interesting.

  16. George says:

    The podcast haters gonna hate but I am lucky enough to be able to work and listen which is much more efficient than work and read. In fact it’s not possible to read a transcript and do my work they are mutually exclusive. I’m not alone here either. I know several manual labor guys out there that consume large quantities of audio books while driving a forklift or something else. You can pretty easily get a transcript but it’s much harder to get good quality audio. I smell some new killer app in this domain. You’re welcome.

    I totally agree Pseudoerasmus would be great to talk to. You should ask him if he wants to try some sort of FBI informer thing where his voice is changed. It’d be hilarious. I don’t follow too many anonymous people so I can’t think of any other interesting anonymous interviews which would be worthwhile.

  17. I use a silly name on twitter, Facebook and other sites as my place of employment is a ‘political organization’ that isn’t supposed to be a political organization. I found out the hard way when I was told by my supervisor that my posts on Facebook were not appropriate for an employee even though nowhere in my profile does it say where I work. I ‘unfriended’ everyone I work with, but my wife has an ‘open page’ and so I don’t say or do anything there. My nom de guerre is easy to figure out with a quick search, but few bother. It’s funny to see right-wing people flip because I use the word ‘comrade’ and progressives follow me because of my twitter ‘profile’. It’s an interesting window into personal bias and shows that everyone has one, even me. Hey, I only have a few more years to work and then I can say what I want.

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