Podcast on education

Our podcast on Bryan Caplan’s new book is now ready. You’ll find it here.

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18 Responses to Podcast on education

  1. Alex2 says:

    Why is the audio quality so bad? Did you guys record sitting next to each other with a macbook recording on the other side of the room?

    Also when I listen on headphones, Miller only comes out on the left side and Cochran comes out only on the right side – it’s very annoying.

    • gcochran9 says:

      The right-left thing was an experiment. I liked it, but if other people don’t, we’ll quit. Although obviously I should have been on the right channel.

      I thought the audio quality was ok, but what do I know?

      • Alex2 says:

        It might be worth getting a 2nd opinion on the left-right thing. It might sound better on a speaker system (where the two sources will naturally mix a bit) and sound worse on headphones.

      • The Z Blog says:

        I liked the right-left thing. I just switched my ear buds around to keep the political orientation correct, but otherwise I really liked it.

    • MawBTS says:

      I thought the audio was fine.

    • Peter Lund says:

      Cochran’s audio was fine (and his voice is not bad). Miller’s audio was not that great (some echoing from the room) + the volume was low and varied a lot in the beginning.

      The left-right thing wasn’t noticeable to me because I used an iPad mini in landscape mode — so both speakers were to the right of the screen and quite close together.

  2. dlr says:

    No transcript? Why don’t they provide a transcript ? That’s like -1000 points to me.

  3. Eugine Nier says:

    To answer the question about why businesses should be behaving rationally. The reason is that businesses that behave sufficiently irrationally tend not to stay in business. This is the same reason birds can fly without knowing anything about aerodynamics.

  4. Thursday says:

    Caplan actually did write a book about how ignorant voters are called The Myth of the Rational Voter.

  5. Dave R says:

    I don’t know anything about right/left, but on my setup Cochran is loud and the interviewer is too faint to hear. I got sick of keeping my hand on the volume dial, so I’m trying it only able to hear Cochran, but not sure how far I’ll get it.

  6. tim hadselon says:

    I really enjoy the podcast, please do more.

  7. Richard says:

    Regarding whether businesses know what they’re doing, I just saw this story about Baltimore using polygraph tests to determine whether its officers are corrupt.


    Now we know polygraph is junk science, it’s been pretty easy to prove. Yet law enforcement seems to believe in it. Judges, who are smarter than cops on average, do not allow it in court though. And I don’t see much use of it in the private sector.

    So evidence suggests govt is uniquely bad at decision-making.

  8. Smithie says:

    I never understood the point of the PSAT. I recall being quite shocked by the fact that everyone in the same classes as me took it. I am still puzzled.

  9. Jacob says:

    You’re talking about doing a regression analysis of all available data that correlate with g?

    Imo, permanent product measures of conscientiousness and any other trait considered relevant to that given field should also be rolled in and weighted according to our best understanding of how much variance in odds of success in a given field are predicted by which variables.

    Along with conventional stuff like experience in the field, especially if there’s a steep learning curve.

    Tomorrow I’m going to try to get access to UP’s Psych research candidate pool to see if kids with higher SATs & ACTs are more likely to take minors and double majors, and if the effect was stronger in students who picked tougher disciplines like math for their minor. Inspired by the College Board’s revelation that kids planning on doing two disciplines score even higher than the physical science and Math students http://www.businessinsider.com/heres-the-average-sat-score-for-every-college-major-2014-10

  10. Pingback: This Week In Reaction (2018/02/11) - Social Matter

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